Small gay pride flag

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But together we can make big strides toward a truly inclusive community.' To fuel this important conversation, we've expanded the colors of the flag to include black and brown.

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A lot of good, but there's more we can do.

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'In 1978, artist Gilbert Baker designed the original rainbow flag…” the organizers wrote. They called the project More Color, More Pride. The flag, the city hoped, would help make people of color feel more welcome in a community that historically hasn’t represented them. Last year, a video was posted online showing the owner of a bar in Philly’s Gayborhood using racist slurs, and there have been so many complaints of discrimination that the city recently ordered the owners and staff of over a dozen gay bars and nonprofits to undergo anti-racism training. The gesture was meant to acknowledge people of color in the LGBT community in Philly after several racist incidents in the city’s gay district. In addition to the usual six colors, this one had two new stripes across the top: one black, one brown. Earlier this month, the city of Philadelphia unveiled an updated Pride flag for this year’s celebration.

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