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Mrs Harding said after the case that she had no comment to make.ĭuring the trial, prosecutor Michael Brabin said that Harding was 27 when the offences began, and had daughters aged nine and four and a son less than a year old. The Judge told her to read nothing into being allowed bail 'other then the court considers it appropriate in the circumstances.' He told her 'all the court's options are open to me, you must understand that.' Judge Giles Forrester adjourned sentence until September 3 to enable a pre-sentence report to be prepared, and allowed Harding's bail to continue. Harding wept in the dock after the verdicts.

She had denied four counts of indecently assaulting boys under the age of 16.

The jury of five men and seven women took over six hours to reach their verdicts at Truro Crown Court. Harding, 29, who now lives at The Beacon in Falmouth, Cornwall, was acquitted of indecently assaulting a second teenage boy on two occasions. Mother-of-three Janice Harding was found guilty of two charges of indecently assaulting the teenager, with whom she allegedly had sex up to 12 times a week. A single mother was today convicted of having a 'torrid' affair with a 15-year-old schoolboy.

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